Preposition Definitions

In this section, we will review nearly all of the prepositions in contemporary English. Some prepositions have been removed because of similarity, such as amongst versus among, however the designer has nearly complete access to the ideas and possibilities of spatial relationships expressed in the language. Each preposition is provided alphabetically for easy reference, and the definition for each is provided in three different forms: a line diagram, a spatial isometric, and a verbal description.

At the top of each preposition page, there is a line diagram. The line diagram is a rudimentary form expressing the relationship of elements through two-dimensional shapes, such as circles, lines, and rectangles. The constrained forms and linetypes provide legibility and continuity across the array of prepositions, and this format allows a simple understanding and abstraction which allows novel solutions and points of view.

In the middle of each page, there is a spatial isometric drawing. The spatial isometrics provide spatial relationships of the elements with the representation of form and dimensionality. In many instances, the isometrics are extrapolations of the line diagrams, but these drawings provide a simple architectural understanding without particular project specificity or detailing through elementary forms. Furthermore, these elementary, dimensional drawings allow accessible, objective descriptions of the spatial relationships.

Toward the bottom of each page, beneath the preposition title, there is a verbal description. In many ways, this description is close to a traditional dictionary definition, however the verbal description provides an interpretation and a rudimentary analysis of its use and nature to promote the best implementation of the preposition to express a spatial relationship. For the designer, this form of description is arguably more subjective, but the abstraction of the written word allows the synthesis of more creative design solutions through playful interpretation.

As a whole, the group of prepositions demonstrates the great number of spatial opportunities and variations. The simplified forms of the descriptions for the prepositions allow them to be applied to various contexts and scales. So, the use of a preposition can produce a particular detail, spatial structure, or section of a city.

It is encouraged that the designer review the prepositions in relation to the previous and following sections of this book. With an enriched understanding of each preposition, the designer will have stronger implementations in the preposition game and a greater knowledge of meaning in the examples given.


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