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Sensory Design Biblio 4
Sensory Design Biblio 4 Notes to Chapter 11 79, Lconard Weller and Randy Livingston, “Efect of Color of Questionnaire on 326 Emotional Responses, ” Jourat of Cenent Pychalagy 115, no, 4 (1988): 438. 80, Patricin Valler and Aber Mehrabian, “Effeets of Color on Emotion,” Journal of dominance, tending to Avperimennal Pycboheey no. 4 (1994)1 scores… Continue reading Sensory Design Biblio 4
Sensory Design Biblio 3
Notes to Chapte7 37. Ibid 38 Alan Hirsch, “Scenting GeneratioN CA CHilrks (1992): 13. While the list in the atticle spprovcinnseely here, our list is entirely representative of escbovt type. 39. Ibid. 40. Kenneth Grahame, The Wind the Wilimx (wyele New We 1982), 70. 41. M. D. Kirk Smith. Ci Van Toller. snd H. todld… Continue reading Sensory Design Biblio 3
Sensory Design Biblio 2
Sensory Design Biblio 2 J Notes to CHapte4 51. Walter J. Ong. “The Shifting Senee Sourcebook in the Antbropology of thr Srnars, ed tyod 01 Toronto Press, 1991), 26. IN Vuriees ,” 52. lbid., 28 53. Mallory Wobet. “”T he Sensotype Htypiotheoie,” Varinin af dsary fyseue fognnne (TARANMA A Sourcebook in the Anthropology of the… Continue reading Sensory Design Biblio 2
Sensory Design Biblio 1
Sensory Design Biblio 1 298 Notes to Chapter 3 66. Gaston Bachelard, The Poetics of Space, trans. Maria Jolas (Boston: Beacon Pres, 1969), 6. 3. Sensory Response that the viewer will,when con- 1. Put differently, there seems to exist an assumption fronting architectural paradigms, see what ideologically ought to be seen Hugh Lawson- Tancred (New… Continue reading Sensory Design Biblio 1
Scanned Ackerman Senses Bibliography
FURTHER READING Bachelard Gaston The Poetics of Space Boston: Beacon Press, 1969. GENERAL Bates, H. E. The Purple Plain. London: Penguin Books, 1974. Bodanis, David. The Secret House. New York: Simon & Schuster, Inc., 1986. Bonner, John Tyler. The Scale of Nature. New York: Harper & Row, 1969 Brash, R. How Did It Begin? Supersitions… Continue reading Scanned Ackerman Senses Bibliography
Preposition Definitions
In this section, we will review nearly all of the prepositions in contemporary English. Some prepositions have been removed because of similarity, such as amongst versus among, however the designer has nearly complete access to the ideas and possibilities of spatial relationships expressed in the language. Each preposition is provided alphabetically for easy reference, and… Continue reading Preposition Definitions