Sensory Design Biblio 2

Sensory  Design Biblio 2


Notes to CHapte4

51. Walter J. Ong. “The Shifting Senee

Sourcebook in the Antbropology of thr Srnars, ed tyod


Toronto Press, 1991), 26.

IN Vuriees


52. lbid., 28

53. Mallory Wobet. “”T he Sensotype Htypiotheoie,” Varinin af dsary fyseue



A Sourcebook in the Anthropology of the Sensrs. ed


Toronto Press. 1991), 33.

54. Constance Classen. The Seneory Ordere of


sory Experience:

A Sonrvebook in the Anthrapolngy af the Sensrs, ed, tsedi ptiowes (farsnns

University of Toronto Press. 1991), 59.

ChilAraN” i

55. David Howes and Constance

Sensory Experience: A Sourcebook in the Amthropoings nf the SuPnses ed

Clacsen. “Soundinig SeiNenPy Piraliliee” i

(Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1991), 257.

56. Rudolf Arnheim. Entropy and. Ar: An Esay Dismdes Ode eellee


versity of California Press, 1971). 34.

57. Rudolf Arnheim. The Dynamies of Architectural Form (Rerkaey: Uniwvenity af




California Press, 1977), 263.

58. Arnheim, Entropy and Art, , 2.

59. Ibid., 3.

09 David Canter and Stephen Tagg. “”The Empirical Clastifcation Bulding

Aspects pue Their Attributes, in Meaning and Bebaviour in the Baili Enoiranment. ed.

Geoffrey Broadbent, Richard Bunt, and Tomas Llorens (New York:

John Wiey and Sons,

1980), I.

61. Ibid., 2. Thus, for Canter and Tagg, all space is cultural space, the resulic of medl.

ated perception.

62. Ibid., 16. As will become apparent in a later chapter, this emphasis on the mper-

tance of objects should come as no surprise.

4. The Meaning of Meaning

1. Willam James, “What Is an Emotion?” in The Emotions, by Car Georg Lange

and William James (1884; New York: Hafner, 1967), 1.

2. Wolfgang Köhler, Gestalt Pychology (New York: Liveright, 1947), 227.

3. Ibid.

4. James chose in this argument not to discuss this particular kind of feeling,

alhough he does return to such discussion in his Principles of Psychology (published

later date).

5. James, “What Is an Emotion?” 13. James refers to examples such as meeting



bau, becoming frightened, and then running; or alternatively, losing our moncy.becom:

upon losing OUE

ing sorry, and then weeping The more rational sequence would be that

money, we cry and thus feel sorry. That is, the physical response follows the event,imme-

ly appear recent directhy response see 6, On to why in Ibid. from the research more fact the Köhler James symbolic indicates constitutes consistently individual, would level maintains, that be the in (Chicago respond favorably advance emotional moreover, emotion. to Tribune, of that all disposed emotional response 27 this experience sort January toward may stimuli of be this 1995). physical the gender physically, stimulus. hypothesis.) response and specifc; is (One women that Indeed, called can is, tend forth read- fairly men to

diately producing the emotion- indeed, so immediately hat our experience of the

1.- Sensory Cues

and Place: The Perspective of Experience (Minneapolis: Univer-

Yi-Fu Tuan, Space

sity Minnesota of Chung “Plum (New York: McGraw Hill


Press, 1977), 6

Blossoms, in Xomen Poets China, trans. and ed. Ken

2. Chu Shu-chên,

Rexroth and Ling


of our argument, assume that Chu Shu-

We will, for the sake


A Robert experienced Baron and of Jill Pleasant Thomley, A Fragrances Whiff on of Task Reality: Performance Positive Affect and as a Helping, Poten-

1972), 47.

situation m poetic form.


-chên is repofting a

Mediator of the Effects

Environment puv Behavior 26, no. 6 (1994): 766

S. In particular they cite the work of

Baron, Environmentally-Induced Positive Affect: Its Impact on Self-Efhicacy,

Baron and Warm, Dember,



Task Performance, Negotiation, Negotiation, and and c auced Positive Affe “, Dember,and Parasuraman.


Conflict, Journal of Applied Social Psychology z6. no.

Warm, William N. Dember, and Raja Parasuraman, ‘Effects of

6 (1990): 766-84; JoelS.

Olfactory Stimulation on Performance and Stress ina Visual Sustained Attention Task,”

Journal of the Society of Cosmetic Chemists 12 (1991): 1-12.

“A Whiff of Reality,’ 768. H. Ehrlichman and Y

6 Baron and Thomley,

Halpern, “Afect and Memory: Effects of Pleasant and Unpleasant Odors on Retrieval of


concerning the Unhappy A. Effects Baron of and Pleasant Marna I. Fragrances Bronfen, on “A Whif Work-Related of Reality: Behavior, Empirical Journal Evidence of

Memories,’ Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1988):

Happy and

769-79; Robert

Applied Social Psychology 24 (1994): I179-I203.

S7. Baron and Thomley, “A Whiff of Reality, 769. One interesting study found

that individuals exposed to pleasant fragrances tended to process information in persua-

sive messages in a manner similar to that of individuals put in a positive mood by che

bestowal of a monetary gift. See K.G.De Bono, “Pleasant Scents and Persuasion: An

Information Processing Approach,” Journal of Applied Social Pychology 22, no. u (992):


8. Charlotte Mew, “Rooms,” in The Penguin Book of Women Poets, ed. Carol Cos

Joan Keefe, and Kathleen Weaver (New York: Penguin Books, 1978). 364.


Behavior, June Michael 1969, Southworth, “The are visual-auditory Sonic Environment subjects conclusions, in of his Cities, study. were Environment by both and




S9 While these


(Garden City, N.Y.:

auditory and (to a lesser degree)

10. Joseph Conrad, “Heart of Darkness, in Tales of Land and Sea

Hanover House, I953), 62.

trans. M. D Herter

11. Ibid., 64. e ionpk eoit”

12. Tuan, Space and Place, I8.

Rainer Maria Rilke, The Notebooks of Malte Laurids Brigge.

amazed when their designs met with publie disapproval


New York: Capricorn Books, 1958), 13. ee

the processes that occurred within the struc-

Norton (1949;

14. Thus have architects been

Smell: The Secret

not because of their appearance but because

with noxious Anton in (New iS van the sound York: or essential Farrar, Amerongen smell. Straus agreement and and Hans between Giroux, de Vries, this 1994),

tures were inherently





15. Piet Vroon


position taken by Henry James (in chapter Brain, 3). in Perfumery: The Pychology and Biology

trans. Paul Vincent

16. Ibid Also worth noting

S. Van Toller, “Emotion and and the Hall, 1988),



of Fragrance

(London: Chapman


Notes to Chapter 7

King “Anxiety Reduction Using Fragrances, in


and Biology of Fragrance (London: Chapman and Hall, 1988), Perfumery:

the orders perhaps [October 20. 19. repellent (New be Tryeg Ibid., a 1987], York: 156. point the substance Engen, notes See of E. that number that Odor concern and is there Gellhorn of is that, readers no to distinctive and G. innate rating according N. Memory gas to avoidance as a mercaptans Loofbourrow, a a National warning as response Emotions agent. “unpleasane” Geographie association) to and (Iindeed. Publithers, smell dropped erhylmercaptan. with D

The Pagthlieg




Row, 1963).


(New York: Praeger


10. The author

added natural




their age.) All that is required is a

odor (and learned

(Robert Tisserand, Aromatherapy: To Heal and Tend

Lotus rescarchers Press, 1988]) do, however, describe a repulsion reaction'” in New


to arouse us.

the Bod

disease, decay, rot, and dampness that warn them of danger. Thus humans find the odors


humans t6

that indicate such states inherently repugnant.

21. Arthur I. Rubin and Jacqueline Elder, Building for Pcople: Behavioral Resarh

Approackes and Directions, Special Publication 474 (Washington, D.C.: National Burem

of Standards, 198o), 198.

22. Forrest Wilson, A Graphie Survey of Perception and Behavior for the Deigr Phote

sions (New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1984), 191.

23. Ibid

24. Heidi A. Walk and Elizabeth E. Johns, “Interference and Facilitation in Shore.

Term Memory for Odors,” Perception and Psychopbysics 36, no. 6 (1984): 5o8.

25. Trygg Engen and Bruce M. Ross, “Long Term Memory ofC Odors with and with

Verbal Descriptions, Journal of Experimental Psychology 100, nO. 2 (1973): 25- Sngen


and Ross hypothesize that odors have litle attribute redundancy, leading to poorimme

diate retention but great resistance subsequently to the distortion of immediately reained


26. Frank F. Schab. “Odor Memory: Taking Stock, Pychological Bulletin

(991): 242-51.

10%% 00.2

27. Michael D. Rabin and William S. Cain, “Odor Recognition: Familiario,


.. .Emiliarit Iden

ifability, and Encoding Consistency, Journal of Experimental Psycbology Learning

Memory, and Cognition 10, no, 2 (1984): 325.

28. Engen and Ros, “Long- Term Memory of Odors,” 226. Although ochee sudis

undertaken since this seminal investigation have questioned the degre to which smellis

unique sense modality, the enduring quality of odors seems clear


29, Ibid.

30, Trygg Engen, “Remembering

Odors and Their Names,” American Sciauish

September-October 1987,

31, Ibid. wuue 1967, 498. Thus the superiority of déja sentir over deja vu.

32, Vroon, Smell, 103. Vroon describes this mechanism “state-

33. Ibid ea under the sa a certain physioloo: ee nanism as “state-dependent rerieval’:

what a person has learned in a certain physiological or mental state-or even place-can

be remembered under the same circumstances.

36 35. Phenomenology Juhani Engen Charles 1OS. of Pallasmaa, Baudelaire, ‘Remembering Architecture, A and “Architecture Odors Phantom: Jackson and of The the Mathews Holl, Their Seven Juhani (New Senses, trans. York: 497. Pallasmaa, in Lewis New Questions and Piaget 195s, in



Shanks, The


Flowers of Evil, ed, Marthiel




Alberto Péree-

Gómez (Tokyo: a X u Publishing 1994), 32.

ed. Steven







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