Vision Sense Overview II

Analyzing Vision

Vision is both active and passive, physical sensing with the eye and also the processing of the image in the brain. We can affect how people see by playing with how things are viewed and by making associations in the brain. By doing either or a combination of these we are capable of providing new experiences.

We can change how people view things physically with light, color, and shadow, as well as the forms and patterns that they see. But, we can also change the experience using optics and effects such as translucency, transparency, and superimposition. With optics we are able to make imagery clearer, fuzzier, bigger, multiply and mirror, and change shape. Lenses and mirrors can make most of these occur, but beyond this, we can also superimpose imagery and introduce effects with opacity and light. Furthermore, the way the imagery is shown can affect the meaning. Images that are projected can come alive in low light areas, and the printed image is a more passive but ever-present object.

In the brain, we can change meaning by association with other elements, as well as techniques such as those used in propaganda. Conjoining multiple elements, creating a tableau, pulls and transforms meanings. To place enjoyed or beloved imagery next to something with a negative connotation will change the meaning for both. To have a positive image next to something neutral very likely will boost the esteem of the object to something that is appreciated. Beyond these methods, vision can be affected through changing the chemistry of the brain.

Vision is a very important and strong sense in our day to day lives. Almost all activities require or rely on sight. Although it is possible to develop without the sense of vision, it could make some environments and events weaker. Because it is one of our primary senses, people lock to the visual and can perceive information nearly instantaneously. It is not a sense that requires much translation for our minds to get the gist of the meaning. Furthermore, vision allows us to communicate over distance. Light is the fastest moving element in our existence, and as long as we have visual access to this, without obstructions, we can communicate efficiently and quickly over long distances.

Vision is used for all of the levels of thinking in our lives. We can look at Bloom’s Taxonomy and see how vision is a tool for these levels. Sight allows us to provide descriptions and remember objects and events. We gather information with our eyes to heighten understanding. We use what we have seen to develop or change something else. Reviewing elements, we are able to analyze how and how well things work. In addition, we look at the results of actions, and we are able to justify content. Finally, we use our sight in combination with our skills at analysis to create new things.

Vision is the primary sense when it comes to most forms of design. Of course, graphic design relies on it, but so do each of the other areas. The immediacy and familiarity make it the first sense. People carry memories of imagery and forms that they can put together to create new meanings. Furthermore, there are similar associations with imagery across a culture, so one is able to tell a story or provide information through an image. Not only are pictures and forms part of vision, but language is as well. It is a code, a system, to provide information, and the letters and numbers that compose the language are in fact derived from pictures. But, when this imagery is viewed as a series that provides information, which can bring about new meanings, we see that vision allows the elevation of form from what is a dumb, simple meaning to something that can describe or provide all or any meaning. Finally, so much of our language is biased toward the sense. Some examples of sayings that push vision: let’s see what happens, look into it, watch out, do a review, the vision for the product.

Next Steps:

Develop text for the Creating with Vision text. This will require answering the ten questions set aside in the template.

Review the Analyzing section, remove any redundancy, and add text to increase the word count.

Determine if there are any additional diagrams to create for the use of vision.

Develop three to six examples of using vision in design. This is a chance to push the importance of meaning on the reader.


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