- Define purpose
- Who is this for?
- What is the thesis, theme or parti?
- How can the user experience this thesis, etc.? (Lupton, The Senses, Pages 25-26)
- What could be used to provide the thesis, etc.?
- Define senses
- Do not start with the visual
- The visual is too heavily used in design
- Design the visual as the last sense to interact with
- Use the information for only one sense and use different information for the other senses–do not mimic one sense design in another sense (Lupton, The Senses, Pages 25-26)
- Define whether each sense experience is active (using technology) or passive (using materials and objects that are not electronic or electrical)
- Can the sensory design make the intangible perceptible? (MLL, Adaptive Sensory Environments, Page 30)
- If Sense Experience is Passive, what is the object/material? How?
- How to document the sensory experience
- Preliminary and Schematic Design
- Text and Annotations
- Heat Map Diagram
- Design Documentation and Contract Documents
- Tags and Annotations
- Schedules
- Details
- Preliminary and Schematic Design
- If Sense Experience is Active, go to next section
- Do not start with the visual
- Determine active sense experiences
- How many?
- Which Senses?
- How to use the senses?
- What is the desired output?
- What information is being used as an input?
- How are the input and output related?
- Conditional Statement
- Binary Mapping
- One-to-one
- Direct
- Indirect
- Threshold
- Multiple Thresholds
- How to document the sensory experience
- Preliminary and Schematic Design
- Text and Annotations
- Heat Map Diagram
- Design Documentation and Contract Documents
- Tags and Annotations
- Schedules
- Details, Diagrams, and Bill of Materials
- Preliminary and Schematic Design
- What is the hardware to be used for input, processing, and output?
- Description of microcontroller
- Description of Arduino microcontroller
- Board/hardware
- Software
- Sketch
- Description and direction to sensors
- Description and direction of actuators
- Direction to Arduino sketch examples
- Test and Evaluate
- Make Changes as Needed and Retest
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