Let’s Play the Preposition Game II

1. Introduction of phrase.

In this example, we will look at a smaller scale design–a seat that is in context with a wall. The additional details are not accounted for, because we can use the preposition to define the detailing. The starting phrase is:

The seat is at the wall.

This relationship could be very mundane. But, what if it is not? Again, more specificity will be very helpful to determine the relationship, and another preposition could do the trick. Otherwise, what is the meaning of at? Is it more than a general location marker, giving proximity to something else? Is there a interrelation of the object and the place?

2. Examination of preposition use.

To be at something explains the location relative to another object, but it also filters the extent of location. To be at something implies that one is present but not part of the place. The entity that is at is near and around, but not of–there is alienation and separateness in the condition of being at someplace. How close of a relationship is at?

3. Analyze preposition use.

Beyond the preposition and its relationship, we need to know more about the seat, and we might define the wall with the seat, or it could be the other way around. We can use a preposition of place, but it could also be possible to use prepositions of manner, movement, or possession. We will experiment with three variations of two types.

First, we look at prepositions of movement, and we will use the prepositions: across, down, and out of.

Second, we will use prepositions of manner, such as because of, given, and together with.

4. Develop existing or create new preposition use.

We will replace the preposition in this exercise.

The seat is at the wall can change to:

The seat is across the wall.

The seat is down the wall.

The seat is out of the wall.

The seat is because of the wall.

The seat is given the wall.

The seat is together with the wall.

Now, let’s review each sentence:

These sentences use prepositions of movement.

The seat is across the wall.

In this example, the seat extends the length of the wall. Perhaps, this wall is in the shape of a bench allowing all to sit–an egalitarian choice. Another possibility is a single seat that extends the length of the wall–in this case, it is either a short wall or a big seat. What would come of a big seat? Is it purely theatrical? Is there some scalar game that makes the user either appear big or small, depending on the application?

The seat is down the wall.

This possibility implies that there is one lonely seat at an end or bottom of a wall. The wall could be any size, but it seems large and imposing, driving the individual in the seat to loneliness and separation. Who would sit in this seat? Why would they want to sit in the seat? This seat is for someone who is antisocial or oppressed.

The seat is out of the wall.

Here, the seat springs forth from the wall. An impression of or opening for the chair is behind, and it seems the seat and the wall will not be recombined. There might be some relief that the two are irreconcilable from the advantage of the seat. Space separates the objects and is charged with the action of this change.

These examples use prepositions of manner:

The seat is because of the wall.

In this example, the seat does not exist without the wall. The wall virtually makes the seat. Its importance requires a seat to think about or act on the occasion of the wall. What drives the wall or its context to create the seat? Otherwise, is the seat part of the wall? Can the seat exist without the wall?

The seat is given the wall.

This option is similar to the previous. In essence, the wall causes the seat, and both are considered in relation to one another. In what situation is this useful? What is the purpose of the wall? And, the purpose of the seat? What does one give the other?

The seat is together with the wall.

Although we could argue this preposition choice is similar to the previous two, in actuality the seat and wall are separate from one another, even though they share the same space. There might be similarities between the seat and the wall, but this is not necessary.

5. Evaluate the preposition use.

The prepositions of manner are more abstract, and in this case, they are arguably better. Of the three, the one that stands out with the most opportunity is:

The seat is because of the wall.

This is an interesting sentence with several possible resulting designs.

6. Draw the resultant idea and diagram, as possible.

The seat is because of the wall.


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