
To be partial to or in favor of another. The two do not have to share spatial or temporal similarities, but they must share a common objective.



To include another to create a greater sum or advantage. The aggregation of the elements creates a whole that shares characteristics with the parts but is something greater.



To stand and face another across a defined point or line. The entire relationship of the two is encapsulated in the position and orientation of both entities to create a specific condition.


On Behalf Of

To act or stand in for another in order to meet some objective. The substitution is like a duplication of the original creating a virtual pair that share similarities.



To stand and be supported by another element where the lower element is effectively a vehicle, foundation, or part for the entity above. Both describe each other.


Next To

To stand adjacent in time or space to another. The proximity creates commonality and definition of both, and without the similar location, there may not be a connection between the two.


Irrespective Of

To be without the relationship to or acknowledgement of another where neither affects the other. As such the only relationship necessary is within the use or operation of the term.



To exist within a time, space, or enclosure and not extend beyond specific limits or boundaries. The element within does not need to be related to the envelope, but container might operate as proxy for the contained.


In Favor Of

To share a positive opinion of something or someone. The two can have similarities but the relationship helps describe the subject without definition of the one casting the opinion.



To stand after a specific time. The past is a relative station point from which to observe or define the subject without needing to express the its intrinsic qualities.
