Designing with the Senses

Define purpose Who is this for? What is the thesis, theme or parti? How can the user experience this thesis, etc.? (Lupton, The Senses, Pages 25-26) What could be used to provide the thesis, etc.? Define senses Do not start with the visual The visual is too heavily used in design Design the visual as… Continue reading Designing with the Senses


Questions to Answer

Target Audience This work’s target audience is architects and designers with the desire to heighten the impact of design through the use of and interaction with our senses. Although designers typically explore through vision, structures and spaces can become more complex through the addition of variable of our twenty or more senses. The interaction with… Continue reading Questions to Answer


Programming and the Senses

In order to create a richer, more diverse space, designers should stimulate our many senses. The designer can control form, light, pattern, and color, providing visual stimulation. In the simplest way, architects and designers already make some use of touch and sound: materials provide tactile stimulation and environmental sounds and acoustical attenuation provide aural stimulation,… Continue reading Programming and the Senses


Vision Text (General)

Our eyes are organs that are sensitive to light. When light enters the eye, it passes through the transparent lens and is focused onto the retina at the back of the eye. The retina contains light sensitive cells called rods and cones, which convert the incoming light into electrical signals. The brain receives these signals… Continue reading Vision Text (General)


Hunger Text (General)

Hunger is a sense that is triggered by a complex interplay of hormones and other signaling molecules in the body. When the body’s energy stores, such as glycogen in the liver, are depleted, the hormone ghrelin is released from the stomach. This hormone travels to the brain and stimulates neurons in the hypothalamus to initiate… Continue reading Hunger Text (General)


Thirst Text (General)

Thirst is a physiological sense that is triggered by a decrease in the water levels of the body. When the body’s water levels drop, cells in the hypothalamus of the brain called osmoreceptors detect the change and send a signal to the brain to initiate the sensation of thirst. In response, we seek out water… Continue reading Thirst Text (General)


Time Text (General)

We sense the passage of time through a combination of psychological and physiological processes. Physiological processes, such as our beating heart and firing neurons, provide us with a sense of time. In addition, our brain uses some cognitive processes to keep track of the passing of time and to perceive it more accurately. Using time… Continue reading Time Text (General)


Chemoreception Text (General)

The body uses chemoreceptors to sense chemicals. These cells are found in a number of organs and tissues throughout the body, including in our taste buds, nasal passage, and respiratory system. When a chemical substance comes into contact with these cells, it stimulates the cells which send a signal to the brain, and the brain… Continue reading Chemoreception Text (General)


Smell Text (General)

Olfactory receptors are specialized sensory cells that are located in the nose. They are responsible for detecting and identifying different smells. When we breathe in air, the air molecules enter our nose and dissolve in a layer of mucus that covers the olfactory receptors. This activates various olfactory receptors, which send signals to the brain… Continue reading Smell Text (General)
